Calling All Intern Applicants

We are so lucky here at the AAFF to have the opportunity to work with a wonderful group of student interns each year. They come to us from the University of Michigan; Eastern Michigan University in Ypsilanti; the College for Creative Studies and Wayne State University, both in Detroit; and Edge Hill University in Ormskirk, Lancashire, England.
We recently bade a fond farewell to many of the interns for the 57th festival (pictured here). If you have an interest in joining our team as a student intern for the coming festival cycle, now's the time. From outreach to graphic design, we have eight internship positions available for the 58th.
If you love to learn; have an interest in the world of the arts, film, and community; and are hoping to find your passion within the arts and nonprofit sector, our internship program might be just the thing.
The internship program is based around mutual learning and growth. You learn from the internship, and by becoming a vital member of the team, you also have the chance to bring your skills and knowledge to the table and gain priceless experience. AAFF interns go on to do many great things from here.
Open positions include:
-Festival Operations Assistant
-Graphic Design Assistant
-Marketing Assistant
-Outreach Assistant
-Programs Assistant
-Video Production Assistant
Applications are currently being accepted on a rolling basis. All internships last through April 2020. Internships are unpaid, but some academic programs will permit internship hours to be applied toward college credit requirements. For more information about the internships and how to apply, check out the web page. We hope to hear from you!!