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The 50th Ann Arbor Film Festival is proud to announce this year's award-winning films as chosen by our esteemed jury: Michael Robinson, Kathy Geritz and Peter Rose. The Vimeo Audience Award was determined through balloting in competiton screenings at the 50th AAFF. This year the AAFF awarded over $22,000 in cash and film stock/processing.

Ken Burns Award for Best of the Festival $3,000

Lack of Evidence (Manque de Preuves) (Hayoun KWON)

The Stan Brakhage Film at Wit’s End Award $1,000

Voluptuous Sleep (Betzy Bromberg)

Lawrence Kasdan Award for Best Narrative Film $1,000

Palaces of Pity (Daniel Schmidt, Gabriel Abrantes)

Michael Moore Award for Best Documentary Film $1,000

Guañape Sur (János Richter)

Gus Van Sant Award for Best Experimental Film $1,000

Sounding Glass (Sylvia Schedelbauer)

Chris Frayne Award for Best Animated Film $1,000 ($500 each)

It’s such a beautiful day (Don Hertzfeldt)

Traces (Scott Stark)

The Barbara Aronofsky Latham Award for Emerging Experimental Video Artist $1,000

Ceibas: The Epilogue – The Well of Representation (Evan Meaney)

Prix DeVarti for Funniest Film $1,000 ($333 each)

Walt Disney’s “Taxi Driver” (Bryan Boyce)

Shadow Cuts (Martin Arnold)

Pluto Declaration (Travis Wilkerson)

Tom Berman Award for Most Promising Filmmaker $1,000

The Strawberry Tree (Simone Rapisarda Casanova)

Kodak/Colorlab Award for Best Cinematography $3,000 [$1,500 of film plus $1,500 processing]

Undergrowth (Robert Todd)

Within (Robert Todd)

Art & Science Award $750

20Hz (Semiconductor)

Award for Best International Film $500

Untitled (Neil Beloufa)

Peter Wilde Award for Most Technically Innovative Film $500

Vexed (Telcosystems)

\aut\FILM Award for Best LGBT Film $500

The Evil Eyes (Bobby Abate)

The Ghostly Award for Best Sound Design $500

Remote (Jesse McLean)

The No Violence Award $512

If the War Continues (Jonathan Schwartz)

George Manupelli Founder’s Spirit Award $500

By Foot-Candle Light (Mary Helena Clark)

The Eileen Maitland Award $500

Irma (Charles Fairbanks)

Award for Best Music Video $500

Go Outside (Isaiah Seret)

JURY AWARDS - $2,250 ($250 each)

As Above, So Below (Sarah J. Christman)

Tin Pressed (Dani Leventhal)

Curious Light (Charlotte Pryce)

Landfill 16 (Jennifer Reeves)

August Song (Jodie Mack, Emily Kuehn)

A Lax Riddle Unit (Laida Lertxundi)

Quest (Cautare) (Ionuţ Piturescu)

The House (Das Haus) (David Buob)

Envelop (Cam Archer)

Vimeo Audience Award $1,000 ($500 each)

Moxie (Stephen Irwin)

Verses (James Sansing)

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