55th Ann Arbor Film Festival - Expanded Cinema Performances, Installations & Salon Sessions March 21-26, 2017
The Ann Arbor Film Festival seeks proposals for Off The Screen! an intermedia series featuring expanded cinema performances, installations, and educational salon sessions, to be held during the upcoming 55th AAFF. We aim to present challenging and aesthetically potent works of art, and to create an environment for meaningful conversation about the culture of the moving image.
Expanded cinema performances could include, but are not limited to, projector experiments and live performances that interface with film or screen. Installations are immersive works (filmic, or otherwise) to be on display in various locations throughout Ann Arbor during the Festival. Salon Session formats could include: lightning talks (Pecha Kucha-style brief presentations), process demos or lessons (concise “how-to” presentations on technique by makers), and moderated conversations. Panels, workshops, and guided discussions are encouraged, but please no academic papers or TED Talks.
Past activities include a stop-motion animation workshop by Buffalo-based media resource center Squeaky Wheel, the notorious "What the Hell Was That?" panel, and Colin Beckett’s "Avant-Garde as Kitsch" illustrated lecture considering the discursive-yet-problematic space of Youtube for the avant-garde filmmaker, a student roundtable discussion that brought together students from Texas and Michigan to discuss girls and video games, “What's Your Day Job” panel moderated by Ted Hardin of Columbia College, “Your Homemade DCP” workshop by AAFF Technical Director Tom Bray, “Making Movie Music” with the Ann Arbor District Library electronic music kits available for checkout, and more. More information on past activities can be found at:
The general public, filmmakers, writers, teachers, and programmers are the audience. We seek to consciously engage participants with material that complements the general content of the Festival.
If you wish to conduct an activity or presentation please submit a 400-word proposal for either: an expanded cinema performance a physical installation a 5-45 minute Salon Session
For all types of proposals, we will need the following information: • a short description of the proposed activity or installation, including length (if applicable) • the intended audience • technical needs (if any) • a 75-word bio
While we seek sessions of 45-minutes and shorter, please do not be deterred if your session requires a longer time frame; simply note the length in your proposal. Off The Screen! participants will receive a full 55th AAFF pass. Our hope is that other expenses will be covered through support from the presenters' institutional affiliates. We have limited resources, but lots of desire to accommodate innovative, experimental works. Feel free to contact us with questions.
Please submit proposals online here. Proposals due: Monday, October 10, 2016 Accepted proposals announced: Monday, October 24, 2016 Festival dates: March 21 - 26, 2017 Please direct any questions to: